Dreaming of Electric Sheep

Pareidolia was an exclusively human trait, until researchers taught a neural network to imagine animals in the clouds. Read more…
Pareidolia was an exclusively human trait, until researchers taught a neural network to imagine animals in the clouds. Read more…
David Hahn was not a gifted student. At the age of 17, he lagged behind his classmates and struggled with his high school courses. But in his battered garden shed, Hahn set out to build a nuclear reactor. Read more…
When two sarcastic fringeheads battle for dominance, they expand their mouths and wrestle to determine which is the bigger fish.
Could there be a more perfect analogy for internet flame wars? Read more…
An assistant professor at Iowa State University has proposed a solution to the inhumane overcrowding of chickens in factory farms: virtual reality headgear that convinces the birds that they’re in a free range environment. Read more…
According to one publishing expert, women accounted for only 22% of science fiction submissions.
Why is this a big deal? Read more…
Meet the bombardier beetle, the bizarre and wonderful insect that brews boiling chemicals in its abdomen. Read more…
In Spectra, researchers use a fictional device to read the patterns of thought and perception as they flash through the synapses of the brain. It’s mind-reading without the psychics… and now it’s becoming reality. Read more…
Tardigrades may only be one millimeter long, but they’re indestructible… and they’re pissed. Read more…