Book Promotion Services

Are you planning a discounted or free ebook promotion through BookBub or another service? The Alliance of Independent Authors has a new feature you’ll find handy. Continue reading
Are you planning a discounted or free ebook promotion through BookBub or another service? The Alliance of Independent Authors has a new feature you’ll find handy. Continue reading
Celebrate International Women’s Day with twelve books by female authors. Continue reading
Word Runner, Kindle’s newest feature, brings speed reading to your ebooks. Is it help, or hype? Continue reading
Six months after the debut of Kindle Unlimited, Amazon has revised its algorithms for determining payouts. Continue reading
Amazon’s new quality control initiative is a good step in the right direction, but doesn’t go far enough. I therefore present to you this tongue-in-cheek chart of Amazon warning labels for your consideration. Continue reading
Amazon’s upcoming changes probably won’t affect you one bit, but that hasn’t stopped authors from panicking. Get the facts here. Continue reading
Most authors are in agreement that Amazon’s enforcement of review policies is deeply flawed. This isn’t the first time authors have lost reviews to an Amazon purge, but this year bought a frightening level of self-sabotage into the mix. Continue reading
Is Facebook showing old information for your post thumbnails? Bring them up to date with three simple techniques. Continue reading
SmartURL is a free link shortening service with an invaluable feature for authors. Continue reading
Indie author sales are on the rise in both units and dollars, but the media continues to report only the traditional publisher’s tale of woe. Continue reading
Only distributors like Amazon and Google Play can stop piracy and plagiarism before they enter the market. Will they act, or will authors be left to deal with the aftermath? Continue reading
Have you been a victim of piracy on Amazon? You may be able to recover the royalties from the pirated work. Continue reading
An insidious form of piracy is on the rise again, and you may already be a victim. Continue reading
Learn how an investment of a few minutes daily can drive a steady stream of fans to your blog, mailing list, and books. Continue reading
The Alliance of Independent Authors has always been a wellspring of useful information for aspiring and established authors, but their newest resource struck a particularly resonant chord for me. Continue reading
When sharp-eyed readers hunted for evidence of Tiffanie Rushton’s plagiarism, they found something more heinous than they ever expected. Continue reading
By day, Tiffanie Rushton teaches schoolchildren. By night, she steals authors’ work and sells it as her own. Now, this brazen plagiarist is being held accountable for her actions in Federal court. Continue reading
From the oracles of ancient Rome to modern shows like Doomsday Preppers, history is littered with failed predictions about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI, in prepper parlance). What’s the appeal of these apocalyptic fantasies? Continue reading
A broken system of abuse reporting makes Facebook a paradise for trolls. Learn how to defend yourself against their harassment. Continue reading
There is no aspect of a culture more pervasive and more influential than language. Language is a reflection of thought, and in turn influences thought. It separates us and unites us. And for writers exploring new species and new cultures, it ultimately defines what is alien. Continue reading