An Epidemic of Cute

The 1980s saw an outbreak of an insidious disease that ravaged the entertainment industry: the plague of Muppetitis. Read more…
The 1980s saw an outbreak of an insidious disease that ravaged the entertainment industry: the plague of Muppetitis. Read more…
Few people know that Jimi Hendrix was an avid reader of science fiction, or that one of his most famous songs, Purple Haze, was inspired by a sci-fi novel. Read more…
According to one publishing expert, women accounted for only 22% of science fiction submissions.
Why is this a big deal? Read more…
There is no aspect of a culture more pervasive and more influential than language. Language is a reflection of thought, and in turn influences thought. It separates us and unites us. And for writers exploring new species and new cultures, it ultimately defines what is alien. Read more…