An Epidemic of Cute

The 1980s saw an outbreak of an insidious disease that ravaged the entertainment industry: the plague of Muppetitis. Read more…
The 1980s saw an outbreak of an insidious disease that ravaged the entertainment industry: the plague of Muppetitis. Read more…
I attempted to log on to Facebook today and discovered that I had received the Edmond Dantès treatment, unjustly cast into the Facebook dungeon and left to rot.
Sure, I was only banned for a week, but that didn’t stop me from voicing my displeasure with a few inventive epithets and some paint-blistering profanity.
You can avoid my sorry fate by following these seven simple rules. Read more…
Science fiction predicts the future with startling accuracy. Perhaps we should set up hotlines where you can call a sci-fi writer for $3.99 a minute. Read more…
Audience members were modest at first, repositioning her arms, using the items nervously…. Then they became more bold. Then they became aggressive. Read more…
So there you are, relaxing in your living room. The kids are asleep, the dog is snoring at your feet. You flip open the laptop and fire up your trusty browser… And that’s when you see it.
Some jackass has scribbled all over your internet. Read more…