Dreaming of Electric Sheep

Pareidolia was an exclusively human trait, until researchers taught a neural network to imagine animals in the clouds. Read more…
Pareidolia was an exclusively human trait, until researchers taught a neural network to imagine animals in the clouds. Read more…
When my Amazon Echo was delivered, I wasn’t sure what to make of this plain, black cylinder nestled in its plain, black box. But from the moment I asked it a question and the top lit up like my very own Knight Industries Two Thousand, I was hooked.
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The 1980s saw an outbreak of an insidious disease that ravaged the entertainment industry: the plague of Muppetitis. Read more…
The Alliance of Independent Authors has always been a wellspring of useful information for aspiring and established authors, but their newest resource struck a particularly resonant chord for me. Read more…
David Hahn was not a gifted student. At the age of 17, he lagged behind his classmates and struggled with his high school courses. But in his battered garden shed, Hahn set out to build a nuclear reactor. Read more…
When sharp-eyed readers hunted for evidence of Tiffanie Rushton’s plagiarism, they found something more heinous than they ever expected. Read more…
By day, Tiffanie Rushton teaches schoolchildren. By night, she steals authors’ work and sells it as her own. Now, this brazen plagiarist is being held accountable for her actions in Federal court. Read more…
From the oracles of ancient Rome to modern shows like Doomsday Preppers, history is littered with failed predictions about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI, in prepper parlance). What’s the appeal of these apocalyptic fantasies? Read more…
Few people know that Jimi Hendrix was an avid reader of science fiction, or that one of his most famous songs, Purple Haze, was inspired by a sci-fi novel. Read more…
I attempted to log on to Facebook today and discovered that I had received the Edmond Dantès treatment, unjustly cast into the Facebook dungeon and left to rot.
Sure, I was only banned for a week, but that didn’t stop me from voicing my displeasure with a few inventive epithets and some paint-blistering profanity.
You can avoid my sorry fate by following these seven simple rules. Read more…