Read/Write: vN, by Madeline Ashby

I enjoyed vN; it’s a lively cyberpunk action-adventure coming-of-age robot cannibalism story set in a world where synthetic humanoids — the Von Neumann androids — are built to serve man. Read more…
I enjoyed vN; it’s a lively cyberpunk action-adventure coming-of-age robot cannibalism story set in a world where synthetic humanoids — the Von Neumann androids — are built to serve man. Read more…
There is no aspect of a culture more pervasive and more influential than language. Language is a reflection of thought, and in turn influences thought. It separates us and unites us. And for writers exploring new species and new cultures, it ultimately defines what is alien. Read more…
There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you. — Zora Neale Hurston Read more…
I’m a bit of a story evangelist. Throughout the years, I’ve cornered many a friend and, brandishing a dog-eared copy of a novel that’s caught my fancy, demanded to know if they have accepted the author as their prophet and savior. If the answer is no, I thrust a copy of the book into their hands with the stern admonition to give it back when they’re done, because it’s my only copy.
They rarely do. Read more…
In Spectra, researchers use a fictional device to read the patterns of thought and perception as they flash through the synapses of the brain. It’s mind-reading without the psychics… and now it’s becoming reality. Read more…
Tardigrades may only be one millimeter long, but they’re indestructible… and they’re pissed. Read more…
K.M. Weiland’s blog is a tremendous source of inspiration and practical help to aspiring authors, so it was with considerable excitement that we awaited the publication of Structuring Your Novel. Weiland did not disappoint. Read more…
Peter Clines is a veteran of the film industry, and his love of pop culture is evident in his blog. That background is an incubator that gives birth to wonderful stories like 14. Read more…
As a wordplay enthusiast and puzzle designer, I’m often struck by the similarities between puzzle design and writing fiction. Both writers and puzzle constructors engage their audiences in a competition they have every intention of losing. Read more…
Dreams have sparked countless artistic breakthroughs, but to the author who sits at the keyboard struggling to squeeze a drop of creativity out of his or her parched brain, dreams can be one of nature’s cruelest taunts.
Three simple habits can help us to hold onto more of those details. Read more…