Writers Aren’t Fortune Tellers…

Science fiction predicts the future with startling accuracy. Perhaps we should set up hotlines where you can call a sci-fi writer for $3.99 a minute. Read more…
Science fiction predicts the future with startling accuracy. Perhaps we should set up hotlines where you can call a sci-fi writer for $3.99 a minute. Read more…
When two sarcastic fringeheads battle for dominance, they expand their mouths and wrestle to determine which is the bigger fish.
Could there be a more perfect analogy for internet flame wars? Read more…
The best authors use language as a playground, and Arthur Plotnik swings from those monkey bars with abandon. Read more…
Audience members were modest at first, repositioning her arms, using the items nervously…. Then they became more bold. Then they became aggressive. Read more…
An assistant professor at Iowa State University has proposed a solution to the inhumane overcrowding of chickens in factory farms: virtual reality headgear that convinces the birds that they’re in a free range environment. Read more…
The Counter-Zombie Dominance Plan is the DoD’s plan to counter an outbreak of zombies (Zombie Conditions, or Z-CONS for short). Read more…
Readers enjoyed last month’s tandem review with author Corey Furman so much, I just had to invite him back for another round. Read more…
According to one publishing expert, women accounted for only 22% of science fiction submissions.
Why is this a big deal? Read more…
Meet the bombardier beetle, the bizarre and wonderful insect that brews boiling chemicals in its abdomen. Read more…
Like many authors, I’d probably be held for questioning if the FBI searched my bookshelves. My reference library includes books on knives, books on explosives, books on improvised anti-personnel devices, books on hacking computer security, and books on building nuclear devices in your bathtub. But I think the one book that would raise the most eyebrows at Homeland Security would be The Book of Poisons, by Serita Stevens and Anne Bannon. Read more…