Bad habits abound, and if they get on someone’s nerves, you can be sure there’s a word for it.
Today, we’re spotlighting three common vices.
One of my favorite dirty-sounding words is cunctator. If you shout to someone on the street, “Hey, your mother’s a cunctator!”, violence may follow. The word radiates vulgarity. However, it’s perfectly innocent — it’s someone who procrastinates.
And speaking of vulgarity, many of us know the forbidden pleasures of lalochezia, the relief one gets from belting out a string of obscenities that will blister the wallpaper.
Swearing and procrastination are minor sins, but few habits drive people to homicidal thoughts as quickly as onychophagy, or chronic nail biting.
What are your bad habits, and do they have names? Leave a note in the comments below!