About John Doppler

Author, cruciverbalist, serial hobbyist... John Doppler blends science, art, and humor into a delicious smoothie of chaotic evil.

Language Is The Key To Being Alien

Ack ack AAACK! ...We come in peace!

There is no aspect of a culture more pervasive and more influential than language. Language is a reflection of thought, and in turn influences thought. It separates us and unites us. And for writers exploring new species and new cultures, it ultimately defines what is alien. Read more…

10 Books I Loan To Friends and Never See Again

I’m a bit of a story evangelist. Throughout the years, I’ve cornered many a friend and, brandishing a dog-eared copy of a novel that’s caught my fancy, demanded to know if they have accepted the author as their prophet and savior. If the answer is no, I thrust a copy of the book into their hands with the stern admonition to give it back when they’re done, because it’s my only copy.

They rarely do. Read more…